How To Solve The Error [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344]

Many businesses use Microsoft Outlook to send and receive email. Businesses and many individuals use this email client because it is easy to use and secure. But sometimes Outlook gives a headache due to different kinds of errors. One of the common errors when using faces is [ pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344 ]. In this article, we will discuss the nature of the error and how to fix it so that you can continue working with Microsoft Outlook.
Table of Contents
What is [ pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344 ] and why does it occur?
As mentioned earlier, Microsoft Outlook is safe. It uses the SSL and TLS security encryption provided by Microsoft to send and receive your emails. You don’t need to be acquainted with SSL and TLS security ciphers to resolve [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344]. Understand that they are one of the most secure ciphers out there.
If you try to connect to an email server without SSL and TLS security, you will get [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344]. It is not the only reason you are getting [ pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344 ] error in your Microsoft Outlook. We’ll discuss the other reason and solutions in the “How to Fix” section. Using the email server in your Outlook must have both SSL and TLS encryption. It is best always to check all settings such as port number, authentication, and secure connection when logging in.
How to solve error [ pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344 ] ?
Now, you understand why [ pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344 ] error occurs. You probably have an idea of how to resolve the issue. If you are not in the technical field but still want to fix the problem, it is easy to follow the steps below and not see the problem again. We are going to mention six different ways to solve the problem. One of them should fix it for you.
Solution 1: Check if there is a duplicate account
If Microsoft Outlook is configured through a duplicate account, you may see the [ pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344 ] error. It is the case for you. The solution is very simple. If you are not sure this is causing the [ pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344 ] follow the steps. If your problem resolves by the end of this solution, it is most likely due to a duplicate account. Please don’t panic, and we have plenty of other solutions for you.
- Follow the steps to find a duplicate account:
- Open the control panel on your desktop and change the view to “large category.”
- Then click on Mail
- Once you refer to the email, a pop-up screen will appear. On this screen, click Email Accounts.
Then you will see all the email accounts configured in your MS Outlook. Check if there is a duplicate account or not. In this case, delete the duplicate account as this is the main reason for [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344]. If you don’t see duplicate accounts, you can still delete all accounts and add new accounts. It can solve the problem.
After verifying a duplicate account, remove the duplicate accounts / all accounts and add a new account. Now go back and see if this [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] error is fixed or not. If the problem is still not resolved, move on to the next solution.
Solution 2: Check the SMTP configuration
It is better to check the SMTP configuration for Microsoft Outlook because a misconfiguration causes 80% of the time [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] in the SMTP. Verifying the SMTP configuration is pretty straightforward. Just follow the steps below:
- Follow the steps mentioned in solution 1 to open the “Email accounts” settings where you deleted the email account.
- Double click on the email and click on “More settings.”
- If the server you are using uses authentication, Check “My server requires authentication.”
- Then, move to the Advanced tab and ensure that the correct port number is used. It is the port number to use for IMAP and SMTP.
IMAP: 993
SMTP: 465
After SMTP setup, close the application and restart your computer. After restarting Microsoft Outlook, check whether [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] is still displayed or not. Still, if the problem is not resolved, continue to the next solution.
Solution 3: Use SCANPST.exe
If you’ve never heard of SCANPST.exe, you might be wondering what it is. Many Outlook users have complained to Microsoft about many issues like [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344]. Follow the steps below to use scanpst and resolve the [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] error.
- Open the file explorer. (My computer)
- Go to Program Files> MS Office> Office18 (depending on the version of MS Office you are using, if you are using MS Office 2014, it should be like Office14)
- Find the SCANPST.exe folder and open the application as an administrator.
- Click on the Browse, select the PST file you want to repair, and click Start.
- Highlight “Create a backup” and click Browse to select the location where you want to save the backup file. Then click on “Repair.”
- After repairing damaged PST files, the [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] error should be resolved. If this still doesn’t solve the problem, we need to move on to the general solution that will help fix any Windows problem. I hope this will solve the error.
Solution 4: Disable Antivirus and Windows Defender
Sometimes Anti-virus and Windows Defender [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] firewall rules cause problems. Because they can think of outgoing emails as the outgoing malware signal. You can turn off Antivirus or Windows Defender if you are not using an antivirus program to resolve the issue.
Disabling Antivirus is easy. Open whatever antivirus program you are using, and there should be a button that says “Disable Antivirus” or “Disable Antivirus.” Select one of the buttons and see if the [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] error still appears or not.
To turn off the Windows Defender, follow these steps:
- Select Start> Settings> Update, and then Security> Windows Security> Virus and threat protection> Manage settings (or Virus and threat protection settings in previous versions of Windows 10).
- Disable real-time protection.
- Disabling Antivirus or Windows Defender fixed [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] for most of our visitors, so you should give it a try.
Solution 5: Clear cookie and cache
In our previous articles explaining how to fix various errors, we always say clear the cookie and cache. To solve [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344], you can try clearing the cookie and cache. To do this, follow the steps:
- Enter Ctrl + R on the keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
- Then enter “% appdata%.”
- Delete all the files in %appdata% or select the MS Outlook folder and delete it.
- After you’ve cleared all of the AppData, it’s time to delete the files from Local AppData. To do this, follow the steps.
- Enter Ctrl + R on the keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
- Then enter “% Localappdata%”
- After you have the LocalAppData, delete all files in the folder again.
- After clearing the cache and all cookies, go back to Microsoft and see if the problem resolves or not.
Solution 6: reinstall the app
We have used all possible solutions to resolve the issue. But unfortunately, none of them fixed the error. The last option we have is to reinstall the app. After reinstalling the app, add your email account to Microsoft Outlook. This will surely solve the problem with [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344]. Follow the steps below to reinstall the application.
- Open the program and functions via the control panel
- Search for Microsoft Office (Microsoft is part of the Office suite.)
- Double click on Office 365
- Follow the steps mentioned on the screen
- Reinstall the app by downloading the newest version from the official MS Office site.
- Please create a new account and add it to MS Office.
- Check once if you can still see [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] or not.
It is certainly frustrating to receive [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344] while submitting the assignment or project on time, but you will not have to solve the problem without guidance. Hope the 6 points above fixed your bug [pii_email_f9d483e926196110b344]. If the error persists, comment below on the exact steps you took. We will make our best to fix it for you.
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