Highest Paying Programming Languages in 2021-22 (Global survey)

Highest Paying Programming Languages
Highest Paying Programming Languages: Stack Overflow released the results of its 2021 Developer Survey on August 7. The results highlight an array of sentiment and business intelligence, such as: Which programming languages developers love and which should you learn if you want to get the most from your money?
Table of Contents
Best Programming Languages: Loved, Hated, and Wanted
The consequences are based on a worldwide survey carried out in May and June of this year among more than 83,000 software developers. Rust is top at the list in terms of language developers, such as the options they feared, with 86.98% of responses saying they like Rust versus 13% of responses dreading it. Clojure ranks 2nd in this regard, with 81% of respondents saying they like the language versus 18.88% who fear them.
Interestingly, there is a clear drop between the first two and the rest of the field. In third place is TypeScript, with 72.73% of those who said they like the language, compared with 27.27% who feared them. Elixir, Julia, and Python complete the top 6 again.
Cobol has been classified as the least widely-used programming language at the other end of the spectrum. 84.21% of respondents said they feared them compared to 15.79% who disliked them. VBA, Matlab, Objective-C, Groovy, and Assembly were consecutively at the bottom of the list of the six most feared programming languages.
The most Wanted programming languages
Part of the report identifies which programming language developers they wanted in their arsenal. Stack Overflow identified these languages by percentage of “developers who have not developed with the language or the technology but have shown an interest in developing with them.” Python is top in the list, with 19.04% of those wanting the programming language, followed by TypeScript in second place (15.29%). Java script (14.59%), Go language(14.54%), Rust (14.09%), and Node.js (11.9%) round out the six most popular programming languages.
“Rust is the most popular language for the sixth successive year, and Python is the most popular language for the fifth successive year. Python, while not as “new” as Rust, is easy to learn and use in most popular languages, and the programs are generally clear and readable, “said Khalid El Khatib, senior vice president of marketing communications Stack Overflow.
The highest paying programming languages
A section of the report categorizes programming languages based on their developer content. To find this number, respondents were asked to list their total compensation. Clojure tops the list at $ 95,000, nearly $ 14,000 more than the F # runner-up ($ 81,037). Elixir and Erlang both got the equal salary ($ 80,077), trailed by Perl and Ruby, who also got the same salary ($ 80,000). On the economic side, darts were at the bottom of the list at $ 32,986, a few thousand under PHP (38,916).
Over the past year, online education and micro-accreditations have been popular options for people looking to improve their résumé in the face of high unemployment and the time they spend at home due to COVID-19. Khalid El Khatib said some of the aspects could play a role in the rise of some programming languages and more.
“The growth of easy to learn languages and frameworks could also be associated with the way people learn to code. Especially after several months of exposure, digital learning culture and online resources are very popular with 60% of people like to learning to code online.”
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Programming languages for Data mining & AI are “On the rise.”
TIOBE publishes its index of the best programming languages every month and provides regular information on the granular fluctuations of the ever-changing landscape. The popularity of these programming languages is influenced by various influences, including the latest innovations, consumer technologies, etc. The current August index is at the top of a bottleneck as other programming languages advance.
“Smartphones were the new hit many years ago. In a blog post on current rankings, it also makes the programming languages used to write mobile applications very popular,” says Paul Jansen, CEO of TIOBE Software. “The best example is Objective C, which reached number 3 on the TIOBE index when it was only used for writing iPhone applications.”
Skip a few years, and Jansen said that “we have the same thing with data mining and Artificial Intelligence,” adding that the programming languages used in these extents were “booming.”
“The top prominent example is Python, which replaced Java in second place. As a result, older languages are also experiencing a revival, such as the rise of FORTRAN.”
Top Programming Languages: August Index
Overall, C is in first place in the current ranking with a score of 12.57%, a decrease of 4.41% compared to the previous year. Not far behind, the finalist Python has a score of 11.86% and was able to increase this score by 2.17% compared to last year. Java, in third place, was down 4% last year and stabilized at 10.43% in the latest index.
Among the top 3, Python is the only programming language with positive development in points compared to the previous year. Since last August, Python has taken Java with the change of position of the two programming languages. C ++, C #, Visual Basic, and JavaScript gradually complete the top 7. Interestingly, ranks four to seven of the index remain unchanged, like its positioning from August 2020.
PHP is in eighth place (2.19%) since last August, with its rating falling by just 0.05% over the period. Far behind, Assembler has gained five spots and 0.99% since last August and now has a 2.03% rating in advertising. SQL occupies the same position as in August 2020 and lands in the top 10 with a score of 1.47%.
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The 20 best shakes
The remaining top 20 contains many notable updates, including big drops and big increases. The No.11 Groovy (1.36%) gained seven places from the previous year, while the No.12 Classic Visual Basic also gained five places during the same period. Last year, Fortran n ° 13 climbed 29 places and now posts a score of 1.14%. This year-over-year increase in valuation (0.83%) is the biggest positive change in the August index, according to Python and Assembly Language online.
Since last August, No.14 R has experienced a sort of shame, dropping six places, while No.15 Ruby reflects his ranking in 2020 with a minimal drop in ratings (0.03%) over that period. MATLAB, Swift, and GO round out the top 18 again, each losing several positions year over year, although GO recorded the largest drop (7) of the three. The prologue n ° 19 (0.80%) has gained 17 places since last August, and Perl completes the top 20 with the score of 0.78%.
“Other interesting changes this month are Rust from # 27 to # 24 and Julia from # 35 to # 26. Rust and Julia are good candidates for a permanent position in the top 20.”
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